New low-friction, high efficiency engines made possible by the patented J-Clutch

You can learn about the founder of Friction Physics Co. and the inventor of the J-Drive engine from the biography in our GoFundMe page.
No donation is required to read the bio!



An overview of J-Drive technology. Learn how Nikolaus Otto built the first J-Drive type engine ... and sold thousands!

The Model J-10 is suited for trucking, marine and construction applications. Performance characteristics are similar to the boxer type, J9.

Terrific video showing the J-Drive engine cycle. A unique cycle that improves on conventional 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines.

Excellent video showing the simplest J-Drive engine ... Model J-7. Shows why J-Drives have a high power-to-weight ratio.

The Model J-9 was designed for aircraft. Outstanding performance.

70 Second Video - Highlights of best videos!